Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


This page informs you (together with the terms referred to in it) of the terms of use under which you may use our website, whether as a visitor or a registered user.

By using our site, you accept these Terms of Use and agree to be bound by them
If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use our Site
This is a website operated by Odissme Marketing

Your connection to our site

Temporary access to our website is allowed, and we have the right to discontinue or change the services we provide there without prior notice. If for any reason our website is down at any time or for any length of time, we will not be held responsible.
We reserve the right to impose temporary access restrictions on specific pages or the entire website. You are required to abide by the conditions of our Usage Policy, which are stated on the site, when using our website.
You are in charge of making any preparations required to enable you to visit our website. Also, it is your duty to make sure that anyone using your internet connection to visit our website is aware of and abides by these Terms.

Intellectual property rights

The intellectual property rights in our website and the materials posted there are either owned by us or licensed to us. Worldwide copyright laws and agreements safeguard these works. Reserved rights apply to them. Any page of our website may be printed and downloaded as an excerpt for your own use. You may also draw others in your organization’s attention to information on our website.
You are not permitted to make any changes to the paper or digital copies of any materials you print off or download, and you are not permitted to use any pictures, videos, audio clips, or other graphics without the related text. We will always be cited and given credit for writing the content found on our website. Without our consent or the consent of our licensors, you are not permitted to use any of the materials on our site for commercial endeavors. Your right to use our site will immediately end if you print off, copy, or download any content in violation of these Terms of Use, and you must either return or destroy any copies you have made of the contents, at our choice.

Our site changes regularly

Our website is updated often, and we reserve the right to make changes at any moment. We reserve the right to temporarily restrict access to our website or permanently shut it down. Any of the information on this website could be outdated at any time, and we have no responsibility to keep such information current.
This website’s content is given “as is” with no warranties, conditions, or assurances of correctness. To the fullest extent allowed by law, we hereby disclaim all conditions, warranties, and other terms that might otherwise be inferred from statute, common law, or equity law any liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage incurred by any user in connection with our site or in connection with the use of, inability to use, or results of use of our site, any sites linked to it, and any material posted on it, including, but not limited to, n
loss of contracts or profits
lost anticipated savings
loss of data
This is not our responsibility for any other loss or damage of any kind, whether resulting from tort (including negligence), breach of contract, or any other cause, even if foreseeable. This also does not apply to any negligence-related personal injury.

Malware, hacking, and other offenses
You launch a distributed denial-of-service attack or a denial-of-service assault against our website.

You are breaking the Computer Misuse Act’s criminal laws by disobeying this clause. Any such breach will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, and we will work with them by providing your identity to them. Your right to use our site will end straight away if you violate this rule.

Due to your use of our Site or your downloading of any content posted on it or on any website linked to it, we will not be liable for any loss or damage brought on by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses, or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data, or other proprietary material.
Information pertaining to you and your use of our website
We handle your data in compliance with our Privacy Policy (please see link). By using our website, you agree to this processing and guarantee that the information you give us is true.

Prohibited uses

Our website may only be used for legitimate purposes. Any use of our website that contravenes a local, national, or international law or regulation is not permitted. In any manner that is unlawful or fraudulent, or that has any consequence that is unlawful or fraudulent. to cause harm to minors or seek to cause them harm in any way

Any item that does not adhere to our content requirements to send, receive, upload, download, use, or re-use
To knowingly send data through a network, or to upload or send files containing malicious software such as viruses or other malware that is intended to harm computer programs in some way

You also agree to

Not to violate the rules of our site’s use by copying, duplicating, selling, or otherwise making any element of our site available for use by others.
Not to gain unauthorized access to, alter, destroy, or otherwise disrupt any portion of our website, any computer hardware or network on which our website is kept, or any software utilized to provide our website.
Any hardware, software, or network that is owned or used by a third party
Authority and relevant legislation
Although we reserve the right to take legal action against you for violating these Terms in your place of residence or any other relevant nation, any claim arising out of or linked to a visit to our Site shall be subject to non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Moroccan courts. Moroccan law differences govern these Conditions of Use.
We reserve the right to update these Conditions of Use at any time. You must periodically check this page for updates because you must abide by any modifications we make. Might as well substitute terms or notices placed elsewhere on our site for some provisions in these Conditions of Use.

Any item that does not adhere to our content requirements to send, receive, upload, download, use, or re-use
To knowingly send data through a network, or to upload or send files containing malicious software such as viruses or other malware that is intended to harm computer programs in some way
